
Master loves to eat rotten apples
In China, there’s a couple who are my disciples. They had lost their jobs, and life was challenging. Living in austerity then, they could only pray to the Gods with a simple picture of mine, a broken candle, a joss stick and three rotten apples as offerings.
The couple pinned all their hopes on their only child, and wished he could make it to the university. However, the child was not motivated and would not listen. His mother earnestly prayed to Buddha, Bodhisattva, and I, “My child is almost 17 years old and is due to enter the university; yet his studies is weak and he’s playful. Master, please show mercy and shower your blessings on him so that he can make it to the university!
The couple devotedly made the same offerings daily. After three months, the child sat for his examination. He felt confident and assured his parents, “When I sat for the paper, it felt like a walk in the park. Friends who had previously done better than me were nervous. I could see that their hands were trembling, while I remained calm. Mum, why was that so? I could answer the questions with ease and felt confident about passing the exam.”
The mother half-believed his words. When the results were released, the child managed to gain admission into the university, and both the parents were elated and relieved. Since then, the mother spread the word that Master loves to eat rotten apples! Well, the fact is; it was the sincerity of the parents and the conscientious prayers that moved the Heaven. Do you know – when we pray to the Buddha single-mindedly with a sincere heart, we can receive innumerable blessings.

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